Timeframe During Which People Typically Watch TV Shows, August 2014 [CHART]

Timeframe During Which People Typically Watch TV Shows, August 2014 [CHART]

The option to watch TV shows online means no more rushing home to catch the latest episode of a favorite series or staying up later than one wants. And that flexibility is the primary reason for internet television viewing, based on August 2014 research by comScore.

Online TV isn’t the only way to view a television show at the time of one’s choosing, and the study found that a decent percentage of respondents chose the convenience route and timeshifted—that is, watched a TV show after it had appeared live. Those ages 18 to 34 were the most likely to do so, with nearly half in that group watching a show after it had originally aired. Fully 35% of 35- to 54-year-olds did the same, and even 30% of the oldest age group had timeshifted.

But even when they push off viewing to a better time, these consumers don’t wait long to catch up. The study found that most internet users who watched a TV series after it was live did so within three days of airing. Even subscribers to paid digital video services such as Netflix or Hulu Plus—who were, unsurprisingly, far more likely to push off TV viewing to a more convenient moment—didn’t waste too much time getting back in the know. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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