Sports Market Revenue Forecast, 2013-2018 [CHART]

North American Sports Market Revenue Forecast, 2013-2018 [CHART]

The North American sports market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 4.5% from 2013 through 2018, per a new report from PwC. The fastest-growing segment will be media rights, expected to increase at a 9.1% annual clip to rival gate revenues in size by 2018 ($19.7 and $19.3 billion, respectively). Sponsorships will also grow at a slightly above-average rate (CAGR of 4.8%), while merchandising revenues will see the slowest rate of growth (CAGR of 1.4%). Overall, the North American sports market is expected to grow from $56.9 billion last year to $70.7 billion in 2018. Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) [PDF]

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