Affluents' Top 5 Holiday Gift Categories, 2013 vs 2014 [CHART]

Affluents' Top 5 Holiday Gift Categories, 2013 vs 2014 [CHART]

Still, while in-store holiday shopping certainly isn’t dead among affluents, results from September 2014 polling by Time Inc. and YouGov support Shullman’s finding that online may beat out brick-and-mortar this year. Among US consumers with a household income of $100,000 or more, 45% planned to do their holiday shopping online, while 35% said they’d do so in-store. Just under one-quarter (24%) would blend the locations evenly.

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What are they shopping for, whether online or offline? YouGov and Time found that gift cards (64%) and fashion items (58%) were the top holiday gift purchase categories among US affluents, similar to overall internet users—though both had declined slightly in popularity year over year. Meanwhile, around two in five planned to give their loved ones food, wine and spirits or books, while 30% would buy jewelry and watches—all up in purchase intent from 2013. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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