American Kids Who Own vs Use Mobile Devices, July 2014 [TABLE]

American Kids Who Own vs Use Mobile Devices, July 2014 [TABLE]

As young consumers grow from early childhood to their teens, one may assume their adoption of advanced devices would rise too. However, a July 2014 study by Communicus found that, while this was certainly the case for mobile phones, tablets followed a different path. Among US children and teens ages 2 to 17, tablet usage peaked among 6-to-9-year-old kids. Though the older tweens group landed second in usage, prekindergartners (2- to 5-year-olds) came in third—beating out teens.

Tablet ownership told a slightly different story. Here, tweens ranked No. 1, with a 57% response rate. But kids still topped teens, at 46% vs. 42%. Though they landed in last, prekindergartners showed impressive ownership of 33%—and 50% were already asking their parents to buy them one.

Owners or not, 2- to 17-year-olds want tablets. While it’s unsurprising that 51% of those without such a device reported pestering their parents for one, the same percentage of owners were asking as well—never wanting to miss out on the hottest new model. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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