Average Monthly Spending On Mobile Games By Segment, February 2014 [CHART]

Average Monthly Spending On Mobile Games By Segment, February 2014 [CHART]

The smartphone gaming audience will see faster growth in 2014 and all the way through 2018. This year, eMarketer expects the number of US smartphone gamers to rise by nearly 20% to 116.0 million, representing 70.2% of smartphone users. Meanwhile, following impressive 47.8% growth in 2013, the US tablet gaming audience will increase just over 14% to hit 106.5 million, or 72.4% of tablet users.

Mobile players spend an average $4.58 monthly on games, according to data released in October 2014 by Everyplay. Those ages 35 to 44 were the biggest spenders, dropping over $6 each month on games, while the youngest adults held back on purchases the most. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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