Consumers Who Prefer Discounts vs Free Shipping By Age, Q2 2014 [CHART]

Consumers Who Prefer Discounts vs Free Shipping By Age, Q2 2014 [CHART]

However, a Q2 2014 study by Flagship Research for BlueHornet found age played a big role in whether US internet users preferred a percentage discount vs. free shipping. Consumers ages 18 to 45 favored discounts, while 46- to 75-year-olds preferred free shipping—indeed, shipping costs are a top digital shopping pet peeve for older generations.

Older millennials—the 25-to-34 age bracket—were the biggest fans when it came to getting a percentage off a purchase, with 34.1% of respondents from this group saying so, and they were the least likely to favor free shipping (13.9%). On the flipside, 56- to 65-year-olds were the age group most likely to prefer free shipping, at 35.5% of respondents, and showed the least interest in discounts. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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