Change In Interaction With LGBT Media, June 2014 [TABLE]

Change In Interaction With LGBT Media, June 2014 [TABLE]

Looking at lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) media usage, CMI found that LGBT websites and blogs had seen the biggest increase in interaction from gay and bisexual men and lesbian and bisexual women, with 28% and 39%, respectively, saying they had upped their interaction with said media in the past 12 months. But being digital didn’t guarantee steady interaction for all types of media: Respondents were more likely to have decreased than increased LGBT dating website or app usage.

LGBT mobile apps saw a slight rise in usage, with gay and bisexual males more likely to have upped engagement. LGBT email newsletters also saw interaction increase, especially among lesbian and bisexual females. While print LGBT newspaper and magazine usage held relatively steady among lesbian and bisexual women, gay and bisexual men showed a small drop in usage. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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