Companies With A Formal Customer Experience Management Strategy, Q2 2014 [CHART]

Companies With A Formal Customer Experience Management Strategy, Q2 2014 [CHART]

Today’s consumers expect better customer service and more personalized experiences than ever before, but marketers have some way to go before perfecting such efforts. While many have pointed to technology and data integration problems as barriers, Q2 2014 research from CMO Council identified another issue: Alignment throughout the company.

When marketing executives in North America were asked to rank the most important attributes of customer centricity, having a senior management team committed to understanding the needs and behaviors of the customer market landed in the No. 1 spot. Functional alignment and support of a holistic customer experience strategy came next.

However, 35% of marketing execs called out a lack of alignment, saying that their heads of operations and line-of-business leaders as well as their finance, marketing, sales, point-of-sales and customer service teams were not focused around a customer experience strategy. Just 12% said their core teams were strongly aligned.  Read the rest at eMarketer.

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