Frequency With Which Insights Appear In B2B Marketing Collateral, July 2014 [CHART]

Frequency With Which Insights Appear In B2B Marketing Collateral, July 2014 [CHART]

Usage and effectiveness don’t always line up, based on July 2014 data from Corporate Visions. While 81.1% of business-to-business (B2B) marketing and sales professionals polled worldwide said they used “insights”—context-based facts specific to a prospect that help companies shape marketing messages and sales conversations as well as differentiate from the competition—in their content efforts, they weren’t necessarily using the most effective ones.

Corporate Visions had marketers rank the frequency with which insights appeared in marketing collateral and sales tools on a scale of 1 (most frequently) to 4 (least frequently). Combining the response rates for the top two frequencies, authoritative insights saw the highest usage, at 52%. Anecdotal insights came in a close second, with 51% putting these in the No. 1 or No. 2 spot. Despite having the highest response rate for “most frequently,” visionary insights landed in third place alongside current insights.  Read the rest at eMarketer.

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