Purchase Considerations For Smart Watches By Select Countries, August 2014 [TABLE]

Purchase Considerations For Smart Watches By Select Countries, August 2014 [TABLE]

According to August 2014 polling by GfK, price was the top criteria when it came to purchasing a smart watch among smartphone users in the UK, US, Germany and South Korea. However, cost didn’t even land in the top three in China—but brand did—and respondents in the country cared most about accuracy. Functionality was important to those in the UK, US and Germany, while consumers in South Korea cared about ease of use.

Smartphone users from each nation cited activity trackers among the top smart-watch purchase criteria, so it comes as no surprise that being able to monitor activity was the No. 1 use case for such devices in every country. Using a smart watch to actually tell time landed in second in the UK, US and Germany, while respondents from South Korea and China ranked passing phone calls as No. 2. Basic apps were the third most popular use case among respondents in the US and South Korea, while using smart watches for navigation took third place in the UK and China. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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