Devices Used To Buy Online By Product Category, June 2014 [TABLE]

Devices Used To Buy Online By Product Category, June 2014 [TABLE]

Consumers still choose brick-and-mortar locations when they want to get pretty. According to a June 2014 study by Harris Interactive, 57% of US internet users said they preferred purchasing cosmetics and personal grooming items, such as makeup, shaving products and facial cleansers, in-store. Meanwhile, just 12% favored digital channels for buying such products, and 21% had no preference.

It comes as no surprise, then, that 65% of internet users had never purchased cosmetics or personal grooming products digitally. Those who did venture online to beautify themselves were most likely to use a laptop or desktop computer, cited by 31% of respondents as the devices they used to make such digital purchases. Mobile hadn’t arrived on the scene yet: Just 5% of respondents used a tablet to buy cosmetics and grooming items, and 4% said the same about smartphones. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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