Marketers' Use Of Personalization/Targeting Technology, May 2014 [TABLE]

Marketers' Use Of Personalization/Targeting Technology, May 2014 [TABLE]

Web analytics and email marketing were the most-used targeting tools. Meanwhile, more advanced technologies—such as real-time interaction management, predictive algorithms, A/B and multivariate testing tools, and next-best offer technology—all trailed in adoption, which Forrester explained could hold back successful personalization efforts.

Results from June 2014 polling by Experian Data Quality supported the idea that technology issues presented challenges to the creation of a single customer view—an aggregated, consistent and holistic representation of the data known by an organization about its customers. Among the 24% of US data management professionals surveyed who said their companies had a single customer view, the inability to link different technologies was the top challenge, cited by 40%. Poor data quality ranked second, with 34% of respondents, and a lack of relevant technology came in a close third at 32%. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
