Market Share Of Mobile Device Types, 2013 vs 2014 [CHART]

Market Share Of Mobile Device Types, 2013 vs 2014 [CHART]

The chart from Flurry below shows how the top 500 device models break down by form factor in the market. The data shows that manufacturers have put more Phablet SKUs into the market over the past year, while reducing the number of smartphone and tablet models available (with the exception of Small Tablets). In 2013, a mere 2% of the kinds of devices Flurry saw were Phablets, whereas in 2014, Phablets represent 10% of all device types Flurry tracks across the mobile universe. This proliferation of larger screens comes at the expense of Small and Medium Phones. OEMs have invested in Phablets, presumably in response to (or anticipation of) increased consumer demand for more real estate.​ Read the rest at

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