How Moms Will Use Mobile For Back-To-School Shopping, July 2014 [CHART]

How Moms Will Use Mobile For Back-To-School Shopping, July 2014 [CHART]

Mobile devices are playing a big role during this process, especially when it comes to saving a few dollars on such purchases. A July 2014 study by PunchTab found that the majority (63%) of US mothers with children under the age of 18 planned to use their smartphones while back-to-school shopping. This deal-seeking group was most likely to turn to smartphones for assistance with price-related queries. Nearly half of respondents said they intended to use their phones to find coupons or sales, while 30% wanted to compare prices across different stores.

Even after stepping foot in a store, mothers indicated that smartphones—and especially deals found on those smartphones—would still play a role in what they bought for their kids. Among the 59% of respondents who planned to use their smartphones while back-to-school shopping in brick-and-mortars, 46% said they would look for mobile coupons. No other response came close: Online reviews and checking point status or loyalty rewards were each cited by 11% of respondents, while just 3% planned to use their smartphones to use a mobile wallet or payment app to pay for purchases. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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