Fortune 500 Social Media Use, 2012-2014 [CHART]

Fortune 500 Social Media Use, 2012-2014 [CHART]

Social media use is almost ubiquitous among the Fortune 500 and newer platforms are seeing fast-rising adoption rates, according to the latest study from the Center of Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. LinkedIn, measured for the first time this year, is easily the most-used platform, by 97% of the Fortune 500, while Twitter continues to outrank Facebook, although by a slimmer margin this year.

According to the study, 83% of the Fortune 500 has a corporate Twitter account – up from 77% last year and 73% the year before – with these 413 corporations spanning each of the 72 industries represented. Interestingly, while Twitter adoption is slightly higher among the top 200 than bottom 200 corporations on the list, only 7 of the top 10 companies have a corporate account. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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