Snapchat Penetration, April 2013-June 2014 [CHART]

Snapchat Penetration, April 2013-June 2014 [CHART]

It’s well established that Snapchat is more popular with youth, but new data from comScore and CivicScience [PDF] offer some updated figures relating to Snapchat’s popularity. According to comScore’s numbers, Snapchat penetration is now at about half of 18-24-year-old smartphone users, up from less than one-third a year earlier and closing in on Instagram (54.6%). And while Snapchat’s popularity does tail off among older smartphone users, it has still been growing quickly.

For example, 1 in 5 smartphone users aged 25-34 used Snapchat in June, per comScore, with that being more than triple the percentage (6.3%) from a year earlier. Among smartphone owners aged 35 and older, Snapchat’s penetration stood at 7.6% in June, more than double the year-earlier penetration rate of 3%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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