Consumer Familiarity With Connected Cars, May 2014 [CHART]

Consumer Familiarity With Connected Cars, May 2014 [CHART]

Knowing about something and understanding it are two very different things, and a May 2014 study by Harris Interactive found that this gap was wide when it came to familiarity with connected cars. While 56% of US car owners had heard of connected cars, just 14% were actually familiar with what they were and could do. The survey looked at US car owners ages 18 and older who had a 2009 model or later and were a decision-maker for a new car purchase.

March 2014 polling by Capgemini found that connected cars had grabbed consumers’ attention, and most respondents to Harris Interactive were interested in owning a connected car. Around 68% of car owners were at least somewhat interested in having such a vehicle in the future. However, the percentages of respondents in that group who were extremely or very interested were low, indicating a need for more awareness and information before interest levels can surge further.  Read the rest at eMarketer.


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