Health Care Professionals Daily Time Using Devices, April 2014 [CHART]

Health Care Professionals Daily Time Using Devices, April 2014 [CHART]

Patients have seen computers and laptops pop up in doctors’ offices over the past few years, and recent research indicates that mobile devices are next. According to an April 2014 study conducted by EPG Health Media, while 99% of medically qualified healthcare professionals worldwide, such as physicians and doctors, used a personal computer or laptop for work-related activities daily, 82% of respondents used a mobile phone for professional reasons at least once a day, and 62% said the same for tablets.

Of course, PCs grabbed a huge chunk of respondents’ time, with around four in five spending at least 1 hour each day with such a device and 29% spending 5 hours or more. But mobile devices also showed impressive usage when one considers that they aren’t exactly a staple in the examination room. Around one-third of respondents used a mobile phone for at least 1 hour a day for work activities, and a similar percentage spent that much time with tablets. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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