Mobile Technologies Used To Enhance In-Store Experiences, Q1 2014 [CHART]

Mobile Technologies Used To Enhance In-Store Experiences, Q1 2014 [CHART]

There may be a lot of interest in beacons, but US retailers surveyed by the e-tailing group in Q1 2014 ranked iBeacons and BLE last among technologies they were employing this year to enhance the in-store experience. This is not completely surprising since tablets, inventory access and digital receipts are more proven tactics for omnichannel retailers.

Beacons also help retailers collect consumer data once consumers are in-store. Beacons can track shoppers and see how long they spend in certain departments, the paths they took and how offers affect their purchases—and also allow more in-store measurability. “The biggest opportunity is going to be when people can see the attribution of an in-store visit against all of their digital advertising,” said Scott Dunlap, head of product at Branding Brand, a mobile commerce vendor. “It’s going to put a lot of clarity on that and really help them get smart.” Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
