Mobile Devices UK Citizens Use For Travel Research, March 2014 [CHART]

Mobile Devices UK Citizens Use For Travel Research, March 2014 [CHART]

Mobile is becoming a normal part of UK travelers’ research process, according to March 2014 polling by comScore for Expedia Media Solutions, which found that nearly half of smartphone- or tablet-owning UK internet users who had booked travel within the past six months had used a smartphone, tablet or both devices to research or plan their trips.

However, mobile booking was not as common, with just one-quarter of respondents saying they had made hotel reservations or booked flights that way. Instead, UK travelers preferred to conduct such activities on a PC or laptop.

This preference was likely due to the barriers to booking travel via mobile, which 45% of both smartphone and tablet owners said was slower than and not as easy as it was on other devices. Security concerns were also an issue, cited by 26% of smartphone users and 18% of those with tablets. In addition, screen size was a major barrier when it came to booking via smartphone, cited by 47% of owners. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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