Mobile’s Share Of Email Opens By Daypart, H2 2013 [CHART]

Mobile’s Share Of Email Opens By Daypart, H2 2013 [CHART]

Mobile’s share of email opens continues to increase, with various sources reporting that share to be 50% or higher. A new report from Knotice pegs mobile’s share of commercial email opens at 48% during the second half of 2013, and goes into further detail by analyzing how that share varies throughout the day. As might be expected, mobile’s role tends to be greater in the pre-workday morning hours and in the evening, with tablets in particular coming out at night.

While the share of opens occurring on mobile phones was more than twice the share occurring on tablets between 9AM and 2PM, that wasn’t the case for the afternoon and evening hours. In fact, the tablet share of opens rose throughout the afternoon hours, reaching a peak at 9PM (25.5% share). At that hour, phones’ share of opens was only about 11% higher than for tablets. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
