Top Benefits Of Professional Content On LinkedIn, June 2014 [CHART]

Top Benefits Of Professional Content On LinkedIn, June 2014 [CHART]

Professional content consumption is “dramatically rising” on LinkedIn, declares the social platform in a new study. Based on a survey of 2,701 LinkedIn members in the US who actively share and consume content, the report reveals that these “content revolutionaries” primarily share professional content on the platform in order to increase their visibility and enhance their reputations. LinkedIn counts as their top source for professional content, and they ascribe numerous benefits to their content consumption.

According to the study, a leading 78% consume content in order to keep up with industry news, while 73% do so to discover new ideas within the industry. Beyond building up their own knowledge base, content consumers also see benefits such as building relationships with colleagues and clients (62%), building their professional reputation (55%), and sparking conversations (51%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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