Consumer Familiarity With Connected Car Services, March 2014 [CHART]

Consumer Familiarity With Connected Car Services, March 2014 [CHART]

Today’s always-connected consumers are fueling innovation in the auto industry, according to polling by Capgemini, which looked at the relationship between connected consumers and the automotive space. The rise of connected cars—where “the driver and the vehicle itself are linked to the world through the internet and wireless networks”—was a key trend. Features of such automobiles include “dynamic navigation systems; remote vehicle diagnostics; automatic notification in an emergency; and on-demand, real-time entertainment access.”

The March 2014 study found that the majority of car shoppers worldwide, a group that included those planning to buy or lease a car, used or would like to use connected car services. The fact that 43% of respondents were interested in having connected car services in their next automobile suggests that car manufacturers who are able to meet this demand could see more sales or leases than those who do not. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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