Device Executives Most Use To Consumer News [CHART]

Device Executives Most Use To Consumer News [CHART]

Mobile devices, especially phones, were a big driver of executives’ attention: 61 percent say the device they use most to get news is a mobile one — 41 percent phones, 20 percent tablets.

The survey of business executives — including C-level executives, vice presidents, managing partners, managing directors, and other positions making more than your friendly neighborhood hyperlocal blogger — took place in March and included fields like finance, technology, media, healthcare, and management consulting. More than 50 percent of the survey responses were completed on a mobile device.

Three-quarters of executives spend at least 30 minutes a day consuming the news, with 44 percent saying the time right after waking up as the period they’re most focused on news — far ahead of any other time of day. (Thirty percent said they checked throughout the day, without a single most focused time.) When broken down by industry, executives in the media business — surprise! — were the most dedicated to news, with 80 percent spending 30 minutes or more and 41 percent over an hour.

While mobile devices are the leading way executives get their news, 30 percent told Quartz a traditional computer as their primary news-consuming device. Only 3 percent cited print as their top source, and just 2 percent cited television. Read the rest at Neiman Journalism Lab.

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