Top Sources For Industry News Among Executives [VIDEO]

Top Sources For Industry News Among Executives [CHART]

A new survey from Quartz looks specifically at the news habits of business executives and finds them — despite widespread adoption of mobile devices, with their panoply of apps and streams — still tethered to an old Internet classic. Sixty percent said that an email newsletter is one of the first three sources they turn to in the mornings for news — far ahead of dedicated news apps, social networks like Twitter, or news sites on mobile or desktop.

When keeping up on industry news, 56 percent say an email newsletter is a primary source — edging out both industry news sites and general news sites for the top spot. And when it comes time to share the news they’ve found, email (80 percent) topped Twitter (43 percent), Facebook (30 percent), and LinkedIn (30 percent) as their platform of choice. Read the rest at Neiman Journalism Lab.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
