Consumers' Attitudes Toward Brand Loyalty, May 2014 [TABLE]

Consumers' Attitudes Toward Brand Loyalty, May 2014 [TABLE]

Some 59% of consumers say their decision of when a brand becomes a favorite of theirs occurs right after their first purchase or when their service begins, per recent survey results from ClickFox. That represents the third consecutive year that respondents to the loyalty survey have noted that first impressions are critical to their loyalty. The importance attached to the first impression is likely due to the factors that consumers believe are most influential in their loyalty to brands.

This year, a leading 35% of respondents to the survey cited brand quality and image as the most influential factor in their brand loyalty, with customer service next-most influential (27%). Such factors are more easily established at the beginning of a consumer’s relationship with a brand, as opposed to the factors considered least influential, such as convenience/ease of use, maintenance of consumer privacy, and corporate responsibility. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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