Mobile Capabilities Offered To Hotel Guests, March 2014 [CHART]

Mobile Capabilities Offered To Hotel Guests, March 2014 [CHART]

Increased mobile penetration is pushing travel companies to develop better, easier mobile booking experiences, and the majority of accommodation owners polled by TripAdvisor had recognized consumer demand for mobile, with just one-fifth offering nothing. More businesses were doing so than in previous “TripBarometer” studies, and even more were planning on offering new mobile capabilities this year.

Website-related mobile activities were the most popular mobile capabilities offered to guests by accommodation owners worldwide, with 45% allowing guests to book rooms on their sites on a mobile device and 38% reporting having mobile-friendly versions. Though mobile travel bookers indicated that better pricing was a main reason for making reservations via such a device, accommodation owners had not caught on. Just 10% made special offers available to mobile device users. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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