US Industry Reputation Ratings, April 2014 [CHART]

US Industry Reputation Ratings, April 2014 [CHART]

1 in 5 American adults believe that the reputation of corporate America has improved over the past year, according to the latest Harris Poll Reputation Quotient (RQ), now issued by Nielsen following its acquisition of Harris. While more consumers are noting improvements than in years past – and fewer are seeing a decline in overall corporate reputation – the percentage of consumers believing that corporate America’s reputation has declined is still twice as large as the percentage feeling that it has improved. Some industries are faring far better than others.

The clear-cut leader continues to be technology, which 8 in 10 respondents feel has a positive reputation, continuing its upward trend over the past few years. Following technology in perceived positive reputation are travel and tourism (65%), consumer products (60%) and retail (59%), each of which has also improved in recent years to varying degrees. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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