American Mobile Coupon Users As A Percent Of Online Coupon Users, 2012-2016 [CHART]

American Mobile Coupon Users As A Percent Of Online Coupon Users, 2012-2016 [CHART]

More than 70% of US adult digital coupon users will redeem a coupon or code on a mobile device for online or offline shopping in 2014.

The mobile coupon audience will post double-digit growth rates annually through 2016, driven by continued smartphone and tablet adoption and the proliferation of digital channels offering coupons easily accessed by mobile, such as mobile apps, daily deal and group buying sites, email, and social networks. eMarketer expects that by 2016, mobile coupon users will represent nearly 83% of all digital coupon users. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
