Online Use Among Elder Americans, April 2014 [CHART]

Online Use Among Elder Americans, April 2014 [CHART]

Some 59% of Americans aged 65 and older report using the internet as of the second half of 2013, up 6% points from a similar time a year earlier, details the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project in a recent study [PDF]. Predictably, that figure declines with age, with Americans aged 65-69 twice as likely as those aged 80 and older to go online (74% vs. 37%). As Pew notes, some segments of the older population approach general population internet adoption rates.

That’s particularly the case for those in higher-income households and with high degrees of educational attainment. Some 9 in 10 respondents with an annual household income (HHI) of at least $75,000 reported going online, which compares favorably with the general population internet usage rate of 86% had that figure at 87%). Moreover, 87% of 65+ respondents with a college degree reported going online. A report released by Pew last year similarly found that educational attainment and household income showed a strong correlation with internet use. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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