Social TV Activities By Generation, December 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Social TV Activities By Generation

The Council for Research Excellence/Keller Fay Group found that millennials were the age group most likely to engage with social media while watching TV—particularly, older millennials; 9.6% of 25- to 34-year-olds said they used social media while viewing primetime TV. Younger millennials, those ages 15 to 24, came in second place among age groups for social TV usage, with 9.2%.

Deloitte, which determined that 26% of US internet users used social media “always” or “almost always” while watching live or timeshifted TV programs, had similar findings when it came to age demographics, though its percentages were much higher. Around half of those in the 14-to-24 and 25-to-30 age groups typically used a social network as they watched television. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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