Mobile Payment Transaction Share In China By Type, 2010-2017 [TABLE]

Table - Mobile Payment Transaction Share In China By Type

iResearch also found payments made via text message accounted for just 6.1% of mobile payment transactions in 2013, down from 92.5% in 2010.

iiMedia Research estimated a far different level of SMS payment activity, putting it above 60%. The discrepancy most likely reflects the fact that the iResearch data is focused on third-party payments, whereas the iiMedia data covers all mobile payments, and users are more likely to send SMS payments via their existing payment mechanisms with banks and telecoms.

Notably, payments made via the mobile web—typically completed via apps or other services—accounted for 93.1% of the transactions, while proximity technologies’ share of China’s mobile payments market dipped to 0.8%, down from 2.6% in 2012. Again, proximity payments’ shrinking share should be seen in context of a boom in mobile web shopping, including purchases made through mobile apps. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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