UK Adults' Average Daily Time Spend With Major Media, 2010-2014 [TABLE]

Table - UK Adults' Average Daily Time Spend With Major Media

This year, for the first time ever, the amount of time UK consumers spend with digital media (desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones) will surpass the amount of time spent viewing television, according to eMarketer’s estimates of media consumption among UK adults. The growth of mobile is key to this shift, as it continues to drive both digital and overall growth of time spent with all media. In contrast, time spent on desktops and laptops is plateauing.

The average UK adult will spend more than 8.5 hours each day consuming media in 2014. Of that total, 3 hours and 41 minutes will be spent online, on nonvoice mobile activities or with other digital media, eMarketer estimates, compared with 3 hours and 15 minutes watching television. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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