Share Of Daily Time Spent With Major Media By UK Adults, 2010-2014 [TABLE]

Table - Share Of Daily Time Spent With Major Media By UK Adults

The rapid growth of total digital time encompasses multiple shifts in consumer behavior. Increases have not been uniform across all channels. In fact, time spent online (that is, via desktop or laptop computer) is barely growing at all. Online time will reach 1 hour and 52 minutes this year, a mere 4 minutes more than 2013. In fact, in a broad sense, media consumption time is flat with one exception: mobile.

Time spent with mobile (that is, via smartphone, tablet or feature phone) has come to represent more than half of TV’s share of total media time, as well as nearly half of digital media time as a whole. The bulk of mobile time is spent on smartphones, at almost 1 hour per day, but tablets are not far behind. Feature phones account for relatively little time spent on nonvoice mobile activities, since few have robust mobile internet capabilities. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
