Average Number Of Facebook Friends By Age, 2013 vs 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Average Number Of Facebook Friends By Age

Roughly two-thirds of Americans aged 12 and older have a social networking profile, up from 62% last year, according to [PDF] a report from Edison Research and Triton Digital. Facebook remains the most popular site, used by 58% of survey respondents of that age, but was the only platform other than MySpace not to see an increase in penetration year-over-year. But, Facebook users report a larger number of Facebook friends this year, and that increase is being driven by its younger users.

Overall, Facebook users claimed this year to have an average of 350 friends each, up from 303 in last year’s study and 262 the year before. Among respondents with a Facebook profile, 18-24-year-olds boasted the largest network of friends, at an average of 649. That’s a significant hike from their leading reported average of 510 last year. (And for it’s worth, it’s a much higher figure than found in a separate study from the Pew Research Center.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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