Online Radio Reach & Consumption, 2008-2014 [CHART]

Chart - Online Radio Reach & Consumption, 2008-2014

Some 36% of Americans aged 12 and up listen to online radio on a weekly basis, up from 33% last year and 29% a year earlier, according to the latest annual “Infinite Dial” [PDF] report from Edison Research and Triton Digital. Alongside rising reach comes increased time spent with the medium, too: on average, weekly online radio listeners report spending 13 hours and 19 minutes per week listening, up from slightly less than 12 hours per week in last year’s study.

No wonder a recent report from the Radio Advertising Bureau found optimism surrounding digital ad sales growth.

Meanwhile, although Edison’s study this year doesn’t measure online video viewership, the report last year indicated that among weekly users, online radio consumption was far higher than online video viewing, and it’s unlikely that this has changed. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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