Coupon Source Preferences By Generation, March 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Coupon Source Preferences By Generation

There’s no doubt that the use of digital coupons is rising quickly, but new data from Valassis reveals that traditional print formats are still the preferred sources of coupons, even among the most digital-friendly coupon users. The 2K14 Shopper Marketing Report indicates that while Millennials (18-36) are more likely than the average coupon user to prefer receiving online and mobile coupons, they’re equally as receptive to newspaper coupons and more likely to prefer coupons received in the mail.

In fact, Millennials are the only generation to rank mail as their preferred source of coupons.

(The survey measured use of coupons when shopping for items such as food, OTC medications, paper products and health and beauty care products.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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