Customer Experience Ratings, 2011-2014 [CHART]

Chart - Customer Experience Ratings

The latest annual customer experience study from the Temkin Group finds that among 268 companies measured, 37% achieved an “excellent” (7%) or “good” (30%) rating on the Temkin Experience Rating scale, a figure unchanged from last year, but skewing slightly more to the “excellent” side of things. Only 1 in 4 were rated as “poor” (20%) or “very poor” (5%).

That’s down 3 points from last year, when 28% were poorly rated. Though the upward movement was modest this year, it represents continued improvement over the past few years. The 2011 edition of the study, for example, rated only 16% of companies measured as excellent (1%) or good (15%), compared to 48% that were “poor” (38%) or “very poor” (10%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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