Multitainment Devices, November 2013 [CHART]

Devices Used Simultaneously While Watching TV

Devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops and portable gaming systems have made it easy for consumers to multitask while watching television. However, a November 2013 study by TiVo found that three-quarters of US TV viewers were more focused on what was on the tube, even when using a second screen.

Smartphones were the No. 1 device respondents used while watching TV, with more than six in 10 saying they had “ever” used a smartphone while watching television and around one-quarter who “almost always” used such a device during the activity. Nearly half of TV viewers had used a laptop while watching TV, but just 11% almost always multiscreened with the device, compared with about one-fifth of viewers who almost always used a tablet. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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