Top Challenges Of Personalized Marketing, February 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Top Challenges Of Personalized Marketing

Some 77% of marketers agree that individualized messages and offers can be more effective than mass messages and offers, according to newly-released research [PDF] from Conversant (formerly ValueClick). The study delves into what marketers and agencies consider to be the top benefits and challenges of personalized media programs, finding some discrepancies between the two groups.

There was more consensus when it came to the main challenges of a personalized program. Both agencies (64%) and marketers (54%) indicated that higher media costs represent the top challenge, closely followed by increased marketing management complexity (63% agencies; 50% marketers) and high creative development costs (60% agencies; 50% marketers).

Overall, about 3 in 4 marketers responding to the survey agree that personalized one-to-one marketing is the future. Their enthusiasm is backed by respondents to a recent Econsultancy study: in that report, global marketers were 50% more likely to see personalization as their single most exciting digital marketing area in five years’ time than they were to give it that status today. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
