Smart Phone Share Of US Mobile Subscribers, October 2011 – December 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Smart Phone Share Of US Mobile Subscribers

Smartphone penetration reached 65.2% of the US mobile subscriber market during the 3-month average ending in December (Q4),according to new figures from comScore, up 2.2% points from 63% on average during Q3 and more than 11% points from the same time frame a year earlier. Android and Apple consolidated their leading positions in the smartphone market over the course of the year, growing from a combined 89.7% share in Q4 2012 to 93.2% in Q4 2013.

Android maintained its edge over Apple by virtue of its majority 51.5% share of the smartphone market, although that was down slightly from 51.8% in Q3. Apple, meanwhile, took 41.8% share, up 1.2 points from 40.6. Compared to Q4 2012, Android’s share slipped 1.9 points while Apple’s improved by a significant 5.5 points. And although it dipped a couple of percentage points from Q3, Microsoft ended 2013 in a slightly better spot (3.1% share) than it ended 2012 (2.9%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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