Mobile Payments' Share Of Global Payment Transactions, February 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Payments' Share Of Global Payment Transactions

The share of payment transactions taking place on a smartphone or tablet grew to 19.5% in December 2013, rising from 17.5% in August, and up 55% year-over-year from 12.6% the prior December, says Adyen in its latest Global Mobile Payments Index. Mobile payments comprise an even greater share in the travel industry, where they represent 29.4% of global transactions, with the retail vertical (23%) also seeing above-average share.

Among the 5 verticals analyzed by Adyen, the gaming sector had the lowest share of mobile payments – at 12% – but it sported the fastest increase, of 35% since August.

The retail sector, meanwhile, is unique in being the only of the five where the volume of tablet payments exceeded the volume of smartphone payments in December. Not only did that buck the trend, but the disparity was significant, with the volume of transactions on tablets outpacing those on smartphones by more than a 2 to 1 margin (15.9% vs. 7.1%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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