Working Moms' Traditional Media & Lifestyle Habits, February 2014 [TABLE]

Table - Working Moms' Traditional Media & Lifestyle Habits

Working mothers – those 40% of women who have children under the age of 18 and also hold full-time employment – are both educated and affluent, according to Scarborough data published on Nielsen Newswire. In fact, working mothers are 35% more likely than the average mother to be college graduates and 40% more likely to have an annual household income of at least $100k. So how to reach these mothers?

The research turns up some interesting statistics regarding their usage of traditional media, particularly when it comes to local news. Some 46% read the local news section of the newspaper, while 40% watch local morning news on TV, 39% watch local evening news, and 24% watch local late news. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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