Most Effective Issue Resolution Methods, According To Customers – January 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Most Effective Issue Resolution Methods, According To Customers

Demand for customer service via social media is on the rise, but consumers still find good old phone calls to be the best way to contact businesses, according to a study from NewVoiceMedia. Some 45% of respondents believe that calling a company is the most effective way to get their problem solved, compared to 19% who felt that way about email and 13% about social media channels. Respondents were even more convinced when it came to which method would give them the quickest response.

Three-quarters of respondents said they believe that calling gives the quickest response to getting their issue resolved, compared to 15% who chose email and 4% social media channels. That’s understandable, given recent data indicating that the average response time to a question posed of a brand on Facebook is more than a full day. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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