B2C Marketing Mobile Email Open Share, Q2-Q4 2013 [CHART]

Chart - B2C Marketing Mobile Email Open Share

A growing share of B2C marketers’ email opens are occurring on tablets, reveals Movable Ink in its Q4 US Consumer Device Preference Report. The study indicates that about 1 in 6 email opens occurred on a tablet during Q4, up from 13.8% during Q2. With smartphones’ share of opens remaining flat over that 6-month period (at 48.2% in Q4), the combined mobile share of email opens in Q4 grew to 64.8%.

It’s important to remember that these figures relate to marketing emails sent by Movable Ink’s enterprise B2C clients, so they shouldn’t be extrapolated to represent all emails. It’s more likely that mobile’s share of email opens on a general basis is closer to a bare majority, still an impressive figure. But while Movable Ink’s exact percentages may not applicable on a wider basis, the general trend showing an increasing mobile influence is in keeping with most research on the subject. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
