Desktop-Only Social Network Visitors, 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Desktop-Only Social Network Visitors

The December rankings of US desktop web activity have been released by comScore, and yes, Yahoo (195.2 million unique visitors) topped Google (192.3 million) for the 6th consecutive month among desktop-only visitors, although Google likely retains the larger audience when factoring in mobile counts. With the December data in the books, it’s now possible to look at the social sites among the top 50 to see how they fared throughout the year in terms of desktop visitors.

As the above chart shows, Facebook remains the leader in desktop-only visitors by a large margin, although its numbers appeared to dip slightly during the year, ending the year about 5 million short of where it began. That dip is fairly understandable given that Facebook is transitioning to a more mobile-reliant network. Twitter, which also has a strong contingent of mobile users, held relatively steady in desktop-only counts during the year, finishing strong in December, while LinkedIn looked to be increasing its count mid-year before tailing off at the end. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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