Pay TV Subscription & Cord-Cutting, Q1 vs Q3 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Pay TV Subscription & Cord-Cutting

While the pay-TV market appeared to be stemming subscription losses as 2013 wore on, new data from Centris Marketing Science nevertheless finds an apparent rise in the incidence of cord-cutting households between Q1 and Q3. And it’s not only cord-cutting that seems to be growing; a separate study from The NPD Group indicates that “cord-shaving” (cutting back on the amount of money spent on subscriptions) is increasing, with the share of households subscribing to premium TV services such as HBO and Showtime on the decline.

Turning first to the cord-cutting data, Centris indicates that 8% of US households reported having eliminated their pay-TV subscriptions in Q3 2013, double the percentage from the Q1 survey (4%). With the percentage of households counting as “cord-nevers” (never having had pay-TV) relatively steady at 8% in Q3, that leaves 84% of households subscribing to pay-TV during Q3, down from 87% 6 months earlier. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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