Holiday Purchases via Retailer's Mobile App, January 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Holiday Purchases via Retailer's Mobile App

Retailer-branded applications exerted more of an influence over holiday shopping this past season than the prior one, says Baynote in its 4th annual holiday shopping survey. Roughly one-third of respondents – each of whom own a smartphone, and 65% of whom own a tablet – claimed to have made a holiday gift purchase using a retailer-branded application on a smartphone or tablet during the season. That’s up from 23% in the 2012 survey, which also limited its respondent sample to smartphone owners.

(Tablet ownership was slightly lower – 55% – among the 2012 survey respondents, but the difference is probably not stark enough to have influenced the app usage trends to a measurable degree.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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