Data-Orientation Of Retail Departments, January 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Data-Orientation Of Retail Departments

Retailers believe that data can assist them on many levels, from more effective planning and execution to improved relationships with consumers, according to a new report from RSR Research examining business intelligence and analytics use in the retail organization. While customer-related business challenges seem to be driving greater use of analytics, marketing shows up as one of the least data-oriented departments within the organization.

In fact, only 1 in 4 respondents believe that the marketing department is primarily data-oriented. While 6 in 10 respondents indicate that the marketing department relies on a mix of data and experience/intuition, that leaves almost 1 in 5 relying primarily on experience and intuition.  Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
