Consumer Electronics Owned By Americans, January 2014 [TABLE]

Table - Consumer Electronics Owned By Americans

Based on a recent survey of more than 1,000 American adults, Gallup has grouped the adult population into 4 groups according to ownership of consumer electronic devices. Interestingly, “Super Tech Adopters” emerge as the largest group (by a hair) – at 31% of respondents. Of the 12 consumer electronics devices identified, 9 see penetration rates of 67% or higher in this group. (Two of the remaining 3 devices are VCRs and basic cellphones…) “Super Tech Adopters” – predictably – skew young.

In fact, 84% of “Super Tech Adopters” are aged 18-54, and the group has an average age of 39. A majority 53% earn at least $75k per year – the highest of the 4 segments. This group is also more likely than the others to be comprised of college graduates and to be employed.

Smartphone ownership is universal among “Super Tech Adopters,” and home wireless internet penetration is almost ubiquitous (99%). Almost all own a DVD or Blu-ray player (96%), a laptop (95%), and many (78%) a tablet. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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